Myght Travel Network

We help connect responsible local tour operators with responsible US travel advisors and travel companies.

Myght Travel Network, is a New York State Benefit Corporation, striving to make travel a force for the good by offering U.S based travel advisors and hybrid operators the tools to offer responsible travel solutions for travelers. We are building a strong preferred partnerships with best-in-class suppliers, to deliver a responsible travel experience with a traveler in mind but the local community at heart.

Without these strong partnerships we can not create the lasting impact.

Our mission is to improve our world by creating an interconnected network of travel entrepreneurs who support socially-responsible travelers and organizations while creating economic and environmental impact.

Our vision is to empower impact travel consultants and bring the industry closer together to align and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We are building a network to transform travel into a force for good.

We are leaders, innovators, and lovers of sustainable travel. We believe that people and the planet come first and profit will follow. Myght Travel Network is the first community of travel professionals promoting responsible & community based tourism around the world.

Why Join Myght Travel Network

Highlight your impact and become Myght preferred partner.

If you are aligned with our values, then please inquire for additional information in becoming a preferred Myght Travel Network Partner. If you fall within one of industry categories please submit a request for information:

• Responsible Hotels
• Tourism Boards
• Tour Operators

Responsible Partner Benefits

What does it mean to be part of the Myght Travel Network as a Preferred Partner?
It means that you are aligned with other forward thinking responsible travel professionals.

  • Preferred supplier status within Myght Travel Network

  • Exclusive invitation to attend the annual Travel with Myght Conference for networking with frontline travel experts and agency owners

  • Timely and proper communication with Myght members and travel consultants

  • Opportunity to train and update Myght travel consultants through webinars, intranet postings and meetings

  • Participation in Myght's targeted marketing approach creating new sales opportunities

Interested in Joining our Network?
We are looking to partner with responsible travel companies.